The Rise and Fall of Destinations

How Social Media is Changing Destination Marketing

Social Media’s Impact on Destination Marketing: Balancing Visibility, Over-Tourism, and Reality

words by Kostas Panagakis | released on July 18th, 2024

In recent years, social media has revolutionized the landscape of destination marketing. Once, travel decisions were primarily influenced by brochures, travel agents, and word of mouth. Now, with platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, potential travelers are inundated with curated images and videos that paint a picture of idyllic destinations. While this shift has undeniably increased the visibility of many locations, it has also brought challenges, particularly in terms of over-tourism and the discrepancy between the polished images shared online and the reality on the ground.

The power of social media in destination marketing

Social media has democratized the way destinations are marketed. Travelers themselves have become the new influencers, often unwittingly serving as marketers for the places they visit. Stunning photographs, engaging videos, and personal testimonials reach millions of potential tourists, sparking a desire to visit these locales.

Destinations that might have remained obscure can now gain overnight fame. For instance, locations like Iceland, Bali, and the Faroe Islands saw a significant increase in tourism after being featured extensively on social media. This phenomenon can be incredibly beneficial, providing an economic boost and creating jobs. Hotels, restaurants, and local businesses often thrive as new waves of tourists arrive.

The downside: over-tourism and its consequences

However, the surge in popularity can also lead to over-tourism. Destinations often struggle to cope with the influx of visitors, which can result in environmental degradation, loss of local culture, and a decline in the quality of life for residents. The infrastructure in many destinations is not built to handle the massive numbers of tourists that social media can attract.

Venice, for example, has long been a victim of over-tourism, with narrow streets and fragile canals overwhelmed by millions of visitors each year. Similarly, the picturesque town of Hallstatt in Austria faced such an influx of tourists after being featured on Instagram that local authorities had to take measures to limit visitor numbers.

The illusion of perfection: social media memes and the reality of over-tourism

The dichotomy between the perfect images seen on social media and the reality of over-tourism has given rise to a new genre of content: social media memes. These memes often highlight the contrast between the serene, empty landscapes depicted online and the crowded, less glamorous reality faced by visitors.

For example, a popular meme might show a stunning, solitary beach scene posted on Instagram alongside a real photo of the same beach crowded with tourists. Such content resonates with many travelers, who feel deceived by the idealized portrayals they see online. These memes serve as a form of social commentary, calling attention to the gap between expectation and reality.

While amusing, these memes also carry an important message about the sustainability of travel and the impact of over-tourism. They encourage a more realistic perspective and can even foster a sense of responsibility among tourists. Travelers are becoming more aware of the need to research their destinations thoroughly and to consider the broader impact of their visits.

Real influence: the power of raw video material

In response to the increasing awareness of the gap between social media portrayals and reality, some destinations are shifting towards using raw video material in their marketing efforts. This approach, known as “real influence,” focuses on showcasing unfiltered and authentic experiences of a destination. By leveraging user-generated content and encouraging visitors to share their genuine experiences, destinations can present a more accurate and relatable image.

Raw videos capture the true essence of a place, highlighting both its beauty and its everyday realities. This transparency builds trust with potential visitors, who appreciate the honesty and are more likely to have realistic expectations. Destinations employing this strategy can attract tourists who are genuinely interested in engaging with local culture and are more likely to practice responsible tourism.

Sustainable destination marketing

In light of these challenges, destination marketing strategies must evolve. Sustainable tourism has become a critical focus, with efforts to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to preserve local environments and cultures.

Destinations are increasingly promoting off-the-beaten-path locations to disperse tourist numbers more evenly and reduce the pressure on popular hotspots. For instance, countries like Japan and New Zealand are highlighting lesser-known attractions to distribute tourism more sustainably.

Furthermore, there is a growing emphasis on educating tourists about responsible travel practices. Marketing campaigns now often include messages about respecting local cultures, reducing waste, and supporting local businesses. Social media influencers are also being leveraged to spread these messages, given their significant reach and influence.


Social media has irrevocably changed destination marketing, bringing both opportunities and challenges. While it has enabled unprecedented visibility for destinations and driven economic growth, it has also contributed to over-tourism and a sometimes misleading portrayal of travel experiences.

To navigate this new reality, destination marketing must embrace sustainability and authenticity. By doing so, destinations can attract mindful travelers who contribute positively to local economies while preserving the very environments and cultures they come to experience. Embracing raw video content and real influence can help bridge the gap between expectation and reality, fostering a more sustainable and authentic travel experience for all.

Article first released in the Greek edition of /

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