The Greek philoxenia is now being further enriched with the strong notion of cosmopolitanism and bold spiritual fearlessness

Emmanuel Vordonis President of Spetses Initiative S.A. Poseidonion Grand Hotel
On the foundation of strict interpretation of numbers, objective observation of world progress and our own high achievements in Greece, together with a few puffs of lateral positive thinking, this note would like to contribute in dispersing the clouds created by the current barometric low, and help make this paper as WHITE and as sunny as can be.
When a situation is as serious and grave as the one our world is experiencing at the moment, then periodical ground-breaking reviews, at least for the sake of the debate, are not only reasonable, but essential and worthwhile.
Stirring peaceful waters to trigger ripples of change is always useful. Stirring waters in acute turbulence to help calm them down and bring them back to peace and normality is even more so.
With radical reviewing we always achieve clearer, more pragmatic and balanced assessments, we make better predictions, we distinguish between the possible and impossible, the important and the needless as we organise our state of mind so as to avoid misfirings and extremes.
Then, during the early days, on a train, on a plane or in a supermarket, a man or a woman, young or old was unknowingly, unintentionally and unwittingly spreading a virus via an innocent sneeze. Unsuspecting neighbours were inhaling, drawing the virus into their own noses, lungs and bloodstreams….
Then, infected travellers were crossing boarders, checking into hotels, participating in parties and meetings.
Then, the unexpected, the unknown, the invisible and unchartered, became a shock and scared the planet.
Then, medical systems proved deeply inadequate, doctors and hospital staff were less knowledgeable and unprepared, state leaders had to assess the unknown, the unpredictable, the explosive.
Then, politicians had to make decisions with colossal impact on economies, societies, international relations, human rights and even life itself.
The classic vision and mission of Athenian democracy of receiving the alien visitor as an honoured personal friend and guest, to be hosted and guided through the paths of spiritualismof Greek philosophy, is now getting an additional new dimension

Poseidonion Grand Hotel
Now, we are better informed, those who have been infected have stopped participating in the spreading; people don’t import the virus into their bodies, neither are they carrying it forward. Borders have been closed, medical systems have switched from alarming inadequacy, to comforting over-capacity, preparedness is at its highest and the human power has been stress-tested across the board, and has been proven responsible and effective.
Now, four months later, most countries have passed over the peak of their infection curves, losses are decreasing and new cases are becoming more and more sparse.
Now, we have more faith in our countries and trust more ourselves, our civic responsibility has been awoken and we all anticipate and hope for a quick return to a new, improved and enriched normality.
We need to distinguish that the scary numbers which we hear about daily, originate from big metropolitan cities, where population densities are high and thus probability of infection is high.
These numbers do not reflect smaller places or islands, turning them into shelters and safe spaces.
Also, statistics focus more on those infected and affected, without bringing to public awareness the millions who have not been infected or those infected, tested and found positive, but with stronger immune systems which either keep them totally asymptomatic or allow minor symptoms.
It is very reassuring to hear more and more every day about cost-effective test kits with improved reliability which are becoming available in big numbers. The possibility of pre-departure testing and filtering out positive cases is creating a new form of border controls / filters which can protect countries from suspect intrusions. Such controls applied by shipping companies, railways and air carriers for all cross-border travellers, will substantially reduce probability of virus transmission and confine risk levels. If we
reach probability levels of common flu or car / airplane accident, which are anyway acceptable and tolerated in our everyday lives, we will remove anxiety and panic which is currently prevailing in the minds and hearts of tentative travellers around the world.
In case our visitors engage, and most certainly they will happily do, in such pre-entry tests and medical / wellness certificates with frequent validations which can be shown at the arrival at any new destination, complemented by periodical assessments, then we will have achieved a high level of filtration of undesired intrusions. Such requirements may not necessarily be introduced through international conventions, they can become simple procedural state requirements in cooperation with air carriers, railways and cross-border shipping operators. Of course, similar tests and certifications will be secured for all hospitality staff and attending providers, so each hotel and residence facility can remain proactively protected.
After all, the bright sun, dry weather, higher temperatures and clean sea breeze which summer is bringing along, keep us away from the climatic conditions that encourage cold and flu situations.
What is, of course, reassuring is the wider understanding that the virus has no wings, intellect or desire to travel and actively invade our bodies. We are totally aware that it is purely up to each and every one of us to avoid becoming a positive carrier, or even to successfully resist the infection, by fortifying our immune systems and personal defences.
The numbers for small places and islands turn them into shelters and healthy destinations of wellness.

Poseidonion Grand Hotel
Now Greece, on the basis of successfully containing the situation, is actively preparing its hospitality infrastructure and its staff community to once again welcome our international visitors from the beginning of this July.
The classic vision and mission of Athenian democracy, of receiving the alien visitor as an honoured personal friend and guest, to be hosted and guided through the paths of spiritualism of Greek philosophy, is now being enhanced and enriched. More than art, mathematics and our open theatres, welcoming visitors into the ancient Hellenic notions of freedom, universal values, togetherness and conciliation, taught in the gardens of the democratic Agora and the Parthenon, now, Greek philoxenia is being enriched with the strong notion of cosmopolitanism and bold spiritual fearlessness.
That ideal, which was recognised when Solon, the wise Athenian legislator, and, years later, Alexander the Great, were welcomed by the Egyptian priests and leaders as:
Describing thus, as generic background of Greek philosophical thinking and values, the freshness of a youngster’s state of mind, characterised by innocence and “a-phobia” i.e. fearlessness, which allowed the ancient Greek mind to travel and explore beyond the non-boundaries of Hellenic spiritualism.
New hygiene and wellness protocols are now being instilled in us, to be conscientiously applied in the spirit of free will, in a sensible and responsible manner.
Our bright, strong sun, the clear horizons and the fresh sea breeze, loaded with the sea’s precious salt and sterilising iodine, make up the atmosphere surrounding our archipelagic coastline and islands. This microclimate rescues us from the cold, wet and gloomy atmospheres of that stressful past period of uncertainty, which we are now, thank God, leaving behind.
Therefore, this is how we are all preparing in Greece to set the grounds for a healthy and happy autumn and winter.
Sea, sun, spiritual food and the Hellenic warm-hearted and personal philoxenia, will aim at healing, recuperation and rehabilitation this year, more than all other years, in every small spot and island of the country.
“A-phobia”, joy and a great smile are the tools that will reinforce “anosia” and immunity, strengthening the resistances, we will need, for whatever may follow, during this coming autumn and winter.
Together, of course, with an abundance of sun, sea, fresh breezes, and a little bit “mezedaki” and “ouzaki” on the seaside!